5 Tips for Your Photo Shoot with Dog
Everyone who has the pleasure of living with a dog knows this: 1,000 photos of the dearest four-legged friend on the cell phone. But hardly any photos with you. Therefore, it is long time for a photo shoot with dog.
Our fur noses belong to the family, so they should not be missing in a photo shoot.
Maybe you think it’s very exhausting or takes a long time to make some wonderful photos together in front of the camera. But with a few tips and treats, it almost goes by itself.
So your photo shoot with dog will be a complete success.
1. TreatsThe Road to Happiness
… And that brings us to the first and most valuable tip. Pack the favorite treats from your four-legged friend. It is also best for your dog photo shoot that you pack various great treats.
- Maybe great treats for throwing and catching.
- Liverwurst or similar, which you can usually hide super in your hand and attract every sniffing nose
- small treats, for the commands like sit and down, but also super suitable to put near the camera – and if then still the impulse control works to some extent, then he certainly looks in the direction of the camera and on command there are even a few running pictures in the direction of the camera. Also like to pack toys, blankets or other dog stuff.
2. Avoid OverstrainingEvery Dog is Different, Every Photo Shoot Too
One dog is sensitive, the other can feel comfortable anywhere and always. The level of commands is also different for each animal, as well as preferences. There are dogs that you can pick up and some that won’t forgive you for five days.
Be responsive to your dog and his needs.
The best thing is to go into the photo shoot completely relaxed and do not expect anything at first. Do not try any tricks that you are currently training. You will expose yourself and your dog to a high stress level and you will feel it.
Look at what your dog likes to do and what he does well. Does he love cuddles? – perfect, the first cuddle pictures with your four-legged friend are already in the can.
Does he love to give paws or does he sit between your legs? (Point 1, consider treats) Then you certainly already have 2,3 great poses that you can make.
Also just lie next to each other and grin into the camera, almost every dog will do that.
3. Make Your Dog Happy
Who can concentrate well when he urgently needs to go to the toilet or stand still when he is totally excited?
Try to calm your dog down in advance. For example, arrive 30 minutes before the shoot and go for a walk so your dog can process the exciting car ride and the new area.
4. You Are the Boss, the Chief... Even If Your Dog Sometimes Does Not Believe It
You are the human and you are in control. Remember, in photos together with your four-legged friend, the dog is rarely the one squinting his eyes or just starting to open his mouth.
Dogs (like babies, for that matter) almost ALWAYS look cute in photos. It doesn’t matter if they’re closing their eyes, yawning, or scratching. Especially with adults, this is usually not the case. So don’t focus so much on the four-legged friend – the two-legged friend should be in focus first.
5. All in One PictureWhen Suddenly There Are More Than 6 Legs
The more people, the more animals, the more exhausting it is? You’ve got a point there. The most important thing is to concentrate on having fun. If everyone is laughing, if everyone in the photo is happy – then it’s a very special picture. The most important thing is to have everyone in front of the camera.
With our DIY photo studio, the focus is on having fun. You take your own photos, our technology and editing takes care of the look and should capture you as you are. – Naturally! Not everything has to be perfect.
It is important that you think about it beforehand: How long can the children or other animals stay still? Do you prefer lying or standing – and who looks at the animals and who at the children? Together, as a team, wonderful photos are created. Perfectly imperfect!
Are you a family of different fur noses? Our Viki also has for a few valuable tips for cat photos.