Interview with customer Andrea and her photo album

Posted by PressTheButton on 03.May 2023 in category do it yourself ideas,Family,Inspiration

Question: Who are you?

Andrea: I’m Andrea, just under 50, fun person – and I love photos.

Question: The shoot was...?

Andrea: It was very funny. I already knew PRESS THE BUTTON from a friends’ shoot and said I’d do the same with my family. We felt really comfortable here and really let off steam. Some of us took accessories with us and it turned out to be a really great series of pictures.

Question: What did you take away with you today?

Andrea: My first and so far only photo book!

Question: Would you like to show it to us briefly?

Andrea (showing her photo book with the PRESS THE BUTTON photos here): Well, I really just put in all the photos I took – the whole folder – and then just moved the photos back and forth, made them small, made them big and went wild. You don’t need any text, the photos speak volumes. We then went on to Christmas and it was a really cool stay.

Question: The special thing about PRESS THE BUTTON is...

Andrea: The photos just become fully creative, you don’t need to do much at all. The backgrounds are variable, the different settings – and once you’re in there, it’s a breeze and just a lot of fun.

Question: Your tip for a good PRESS THE BUTTON photo?

Andrea: Basically, don’t be too cocky for once! Just have a quick look to see if everyone is looking at the same camera. It might be a bit confusing at first if you have two pushers and two cameras. – Just look a little bit at rough things – not at details. Because basically the spontaneity is the funny thing – if someone looks to the side or grins or closes their eyes, that can be just as funny in the overall picture.

Question: Is the photo book just for you, or did you give it as a gift?

Andrea: Well, I actually designed it in such a way that I only made it for us as a souvenir. But it’s in our kitchen on the bar and a lot of people have already seen it and said, “Wow, totally cool!” And of course I recommend it to others.

Question: Is there anything else you would like to say?

Andrea: I was there again and I will be there again! (laughs…)
– To PRESS THE BUTTON! (gives a thumbs up)


Thanks Andrea, for the insight!