Comic Christmas!

Posted by PressTheButton on 04.December 2023 in category News

We have new Christmas accessories!

I’ve been with PRESS THE BUTTON for a long time now and every year in the run-up to Christmas we have countless Christmas photo shoots. As they say, every year there are the red hats, the thick sweaters with funny patterns, the plastic Christmas trees with classic decorations, gift wrapping and so on in almost every photo. And that can look great, of course, but it’s also: Every. Year. The. Same.

This summer, the PRESS THE BUTTON core team came up with the great idea of having our very own Christmas accessories produced, and not the kind that are available everywhere anyway. The new accessories had to be different, casual and, above all, not kitschy. The idea of giving the whole thing a comic look was quickly born and so Nina and I got started and drew for all we were worth! After a good month, the time had come and I was able to send the resulting designs to print. I was incredibly nervous and hoped so, so much that the comic accessories would really look the way I had imagined them and I have to say: they turned out even better than I thought!

I really hope that you – our customers – enjoy them too and that you can bring a bit of variety and nonchalance to your Christmas photos! 🙂

All the best and have a wonderful pre-Christmas season,

P.S.: If you would like to send me feedback on our comic Christmas accessories, I look forward to receiving your email: